Sunday, July 6, 2008


Well I figured I could post some pictures of the fencing project that the barn has undertaken, it's only getting done because a few of us sane members don't like the idea of our horses getting limbs ripped off by barbed wire but that's another tale.
First off we have me, cookin' Wranglers Breakfast, out set start time was 1PM and I hate working hard on a empty tummy, so April and I got together and made this.

Mmm...yummy :D

for those that wonder Wranglers Breakfast is bacon and potatoes fried together, with special seasonings, also scrambled eggs(again with secret seasonings) and then a grilled(toasted) Peanut Butter and Jelly sammich, I made this breakfast at least once a week for two summers. No I won't give anybody the recipe, I honestly can't tell you the exact ammounts of the things I use, you have to be taught.
I don't have any pictures from that days work(too busy working) we spent over 6 hours doing tear down, tree/branch removal and re-stringing wire, thankfully we were split into several teams so I wasn't forced to work with anybody that hates me, one member and myself had worked on removing old wire on the day previous so we just picked up where we left off, I think we got about half way around with removal. The team on New Wire Install got about a quarter of the way with at least one strand.
The barn manager failed to get us a dumpster for the old fence debree so the wire we removed just ended up in my truck bed, the next day we had to drive my truck over to the recycleing center and remove it all by hand, here's how full my truck was.

In total myself and one other member have done over 11 hours of fence removal, two other members have done 8, and the rest of the barn have done 6ish. If they expect me to drop everything and join in the next work weekend they have another thing coming.

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