Saturday, June 14, 2008

geek? did someone say Geekery?

I had a wonderful day in town the other day.
I got two new shirts, that made me all YAYA! and happy like. I got this.....

YAYA! DeathKlok!!! I learned today...- from the man in line behind me at the store that was very chatty and flirty..and why must men chat me up while I'm buying food?..anyway.. He told me that Deathklok is comings to the Twin cities sometimes soon..I think I must go!
I also got this shirt, it';s not as joy producing as the first one, but it was on sale Yaya for sale!!

My next purchase of delight was some supplies for makings jewelery of geekery, I saw these bits of geek goodness on-line the other day, found for me by Styles, cause I wanted something like that and he fetched like a good man should, where was I? oh right, saw those and went "right then, I can make that" and preceded to do just so :) theses are my first attempts and I must say I'm rather proud of them, the choker and bracelet combos don't have clasps yet, I know what I need but I forgot to get them in town, next trip.
cat5 and capacitor choker/bracelet set

cat5 and circuit board :button: choker/bracelet set

Purty blue metallic capacitor earings and necklace set

cute teeny blue resistor earings *squee*

and lastly some tiny circuit board bits that are going to become earings

to go with the usb stick guts amulet I made, it's cool, but I forgot to take a pic of it...

Um yeah that's about it, I have packing and pony bathing and braiding and traveling to do tomorrow.
and then showing to do Monday
and then coaching to do Tuesday
Wednesday I left free to pass out..or die from exhaustion, either one works for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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